MAZIDO has been testing climate-smart agriculture technology to ascertain its benefits and sustainability. The first pilot garden was set up in Mbololo. The crops grown included collard green, spinach, cabbage, tomatoes, black nightshade, carrots and arrowroots. Crops nourished very well and superseded the expectations. The owner got overwhelmed with the harvest and sold the excess to a hotel in Voi.

The second pilot garden was set up in Kaloleni by Mr. John Mlamba, the Executive Director of MAZIDO. Mr Mlamba was inspired by what was achieved in the first model garden. Within three weeks, the story in his home changed completely. His family has been enjoying the fruits of this agriculture technology. They now have access to a variety of fresh vegetables which are accessible at any time.

MAZIDO has already entered into an agreement with Rukinga ranch which will see many farmers joining the second phase. MAZIDO is already aware that many farmers have been very anxious to try this farming method. All procedures are in place to enable beneficiaries to get the necessary training.