MAZIDO International held an exciting meeting with Mbulia Community Representatives at its main office in Voi. The team of seven was in dire need of consultancy services on how they will move towards an economically empowered community. The meeting was chaired by John Mlamba (County Director in charge of climate change and also outgoing Executive Director of MAZIDO) and Rhoda Mwashigadi who is a permanent consultant at MAZIDO.

Mbulia Community land is 37,000 in acreage with a membership of 6,000. The land has already been registered as community land and issued with the Title Deed. Below is the list of things they will like to work on:
- Strategic plan to guide them.
- Land use plan.
- Tourism Centre with tourism facilities.
- Dairy units.
- Conservancy
- Agroforestry
- Mining
- Settlement schemes for their members
- Climate-smart Agriculture
MAZIDO and Mbulia community will sign a memorandum that will guide its operations during the period of consultancy.