

Its aim was to strengthen community participation in the budget-making processes to enhance better service delivery under the devolved units.

Funds from Society for International Development(SID) were used to upscale the County Farmers Network alternately known as Sauti ya mkulima platform, in order to empower farmers to participate in decision-making processes at the County Level. This project ran between November 2014 to August 2015; and involved 12 wards (3 each per Sub County).


Constituted the County Core Group through the representatives chosen during the Ward Dialogue fora.
The Sauti ya mkulima platform is becoming increasingly recognized as a structure through which small-scale farmers can engage actively in planning and decision-making processes at the County. Already, the Network representatives had received appointments and met with 3 MCAs and 1 MP. Equally, the Chiefs and their Assistants now recognize them at Village Barazas and invite them to address the same. MAZIDO office has been receiving requests from farmers through the Network Representatives a sign of acceptance of the Network by the small scale farmers.
Printed 180 T-shirts as promotional and publicity material.
The training on Lobbying and Advocacy of 3 Value Chain Platforms under the auspices of the ASDSP framework has increasingly sharpened the skills of Value Chain Actors within the Dairy, Banana and indigenous chicken platforms to effectively lobby and advocate for increased resource allocation in the agriculture and livestock sector.

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